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Victories For Clients: Acquittals, Reversals, Verdicts, Settlements, Et Al

Medicaid Estate Recovery, Not Today

Medicaid estate recovery allows the state and federal governments to recover Medicaid costs paid on behalf of an aged institutionalized or permanently institutionalized individual.  Exemptions or limitations to recovery may apply.  They include:

  • The deceased individual has a surviving spouse;
  • There is a surviving child under the age of 21;
  • There is a surviving child or disabled child;
  • the total value of an estate is $10,000 or less;
  • It is not cost effective to recover from the estate;
  • The estate consists of a sole income-producing asset of surviving family members, i.e. family business or farm;
  • An estate heir has continuing health care needs; or
  • An estate heir has continuing educational needs.

Practice area(s): Estate Planning, Probate

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Trusted Referrals

Let us help you find the right attorney for your case. For clients with a legal issue we cannot address, we are committed to taking an extra step to find them legal counsel who can help using a trusted referral program and our knowledge of the best legal professionals in the field.

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(606) 407-6062 (fax)
Mon: 08:00am - 04:00pm
Tue: 08:00am - 04:00pm
Wed: 08:00am - 04:00pm
Thu: 08:00am - 04:00pm
Fri: 08:00am - 04:00pm