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Victories For Clients: Acquittals, Reversals, Verdicts, Settlements, Et Al

CC v. Cabinet for Health & Family Services, 330 S.W.3d 83 (2011)

January 2011

Victory in Kentucky Supreme Court!  The court held that civil rules of discovery applied to juvenile actions throughout the juvenile court process.  Case was appealed from Lewis Family Court to Court of Appeals and then, upon granting our motion for discretionary review, to the Supreme Court.

Practice area(s): Appeals, Family, Juvenile

Court: Lewis Family Court

Bryan Underwood

Bryan Keith Underwood, Attorney At Law   I enjoy being able to live and practice law in my hometown of Maysville, Kentucky, named one of the most charming towns in America by Country Living magazine.  Our residents, however, deal with the same serious legal issues.  Since 1999, I have successfu...

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